Dynamic QR Code Tracking Solutions

Organize your QR Scan data in one place for newfound insights! Check out these various use cases or contact us for a demo.

QR Code Generator

Use our Customize trackable dynamic QR Code Generator to open up a new world of analytics. Customize dots, eyes, colors, add a logo, and export in a variety of formats.
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Trackable Links

Use our custom dynamic links to track all web traffic including browser, geo, as well as conversion metrics before they ever reach your desired URL.
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For Social Media

Replace your "link in bio" with an Autonix link and instantly take ownership of your social media following, opening 1st party opportunites for marketing and monetization.
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WiFi QR Code

Answer the question "whats your wifi" with this free Wifi QR Code Generator. Or create an account and save your information for easy updates in the future.
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Use Autonix for everything from host-stand check-ins, waitlists, promos, or to build custom loyalty programs. Develop insight into peak/lull times.
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Real Estate Sales

Build per-property prospect lists by requiring people check-in during open-houses or unmanned information signs outside.
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Building Management & Construction

Digitally track time-in and time-out for all visitors and residents to a building or other secured location with managed, kiosk, or contactless options.
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Large Events/Conferences

Service thousands of visitors in a short period of time with an easy to use check-in system. Identify power visitors to curate future events accordingly.
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Security & Local Government

Catalog visitors, durations and frequencies across various functions with simple, flexible, and exportable search and reporting systems.
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QR Codes For Voting

Share, scan or print QR Codes and Links by state linking to the official voter registration website.
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Remote Workforce

Allow trusted remote workers to check-in on their mobile device while they are on and off the job using a simple digital punch clock.
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Simple contact tracing solution to notify opt-in visitors that they've been exposed to a known individual with coronavirus during a certain time frame.
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Your Business

Autonix was built without any industry in mind, a fully flexible visitor management platform giving insight into all kinds of businesses with endless use cases.
Got an idea? Contact us or give it a try!